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Fresh Fire is Prophetic Ministry & a Music Ministry that runs with the Fresh Fire of God and God's Glory in the Last Days. Fresh Fire International is located in the state of Arizona. Click Here to see pictures of our state, Arizona.
A Ministry Based in Arizona, USA
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This is the prophetic time in which GOD IS SHIFTING THINGS IN HIS CHURCH! Those who will hear God and walk in love and forgiveness and live in holiness, they will run with the FRESH FIRE of God will see the LAST GREAT MOVE OF GOD. They are the remnant of God, the TRUE CHURCH. They are the front runners in the race to save souls in the last days. Remember: Our gifts and talents for God, equals SOULS!
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Evil in the Pulpits

The Wolves Love the Darkness & Doctrines of Devils

Let the True & Pure In Heart Ministers Rise Up!


God's light came into the world, but people loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil. 20 All who do evil hate the light and refuse to go near it for fear their sins will be exposed. 21 But those who do what is right come to the light so others can see that they are doing what God wants." John 3:19-21


WARNING: Before you read the rest please remember that love covers a multitude of sins. Our God is a God of restoration. We must agree with God's word that commands us to love and forgive. The way we know someone has passed from death to life is that they love the brethren. A lack of love shows we are not of God. But I ask How can any two walk together unless they agree? I thank God for those who want to live a true and holy life before God. Only the pure in heart will see God. All others who choose not to live holy I pray God will shake everything that can be shaken!

  Titus 2:6-8

6 In the same way, encourage the young men to live wisely. 7 And you yourself must be an example to them by doing good works of every kind. Let everything you do reflect the integrity and seriousness of your teaching. 8 Teach the truth so that your teaching can't be criticized. Then those who oppose us will be ashamed and have nothing bad to say about us.

We are living in a time that people love darkness more than they love the light of God. They love lies more than they love truth. We expect this of the unbelievers, but our leaders in the church? In the last 12 years I have lived in 6 different places and attended 6 different churches. Only 1 of those churches had leaders that were willing to live a moral and holy life before God. The other Pastors and leaders choose to have affairs while they preached in the pulpits and had their fornication with others while they or their lovers were married and they continued to preach as if nothing was wrong.

When one goes outside of marriage then one chooses to trash the covenant they made before God in marriage, then one can't claim that God told them they married the wrong person, then have sex with them while one or both were married. No, this was lust for someone outside the union of marriage and a choice to make a transgression. Why blame God? God will never tell someone to do something that is completely against His word; His will. If we choose to live outside God's word then he will let us have a reprobate mind if we want one. Only the pure in heart shall see God. Anything that has to be built on lies is built on pure evil. We must return to pure foundations. Why leave the blessing of God? God does forgive and we still must love them, but hate the sin they become involved in, it may give them a real chance to get right. I really hate the sin that damages so many lives. I have seen so many young people fall away from God, because they saw such poor examples of Christ like living. It is the love of God that leads to repentance. Remember, being hateful will show that we are on the wrong side . For me, nothing is worth damaging my testimony for God and my calling.


I have seen other leaders, swindling other believers and also pastors swindling the visiting ministers out of money they raised for them and acting as if they have no guilt before God or man. I have seen homosexual's leading choirs and youth departments and preaching from the pulpits in churches and having the young boys in the church sleep over at their apartment with the Pastor's knowledge and approval. Many years have gone by and I tried numerous times to have restoration with this minister (who now claims to be a formal homosexual) but to this day he will not speak to me, which shows me he is still hiding something and could still be in bondage. I saw the molester who molested my child work in the nursery and daycare, with the Pastor's approval. These things should not be frequently happening in our leadership. Church wake up! Confront sin, but love the sinner. Paul said, "Follow me as I follow Christ." So you don't want to follow Christ, sorry I can't follow you. I forgive you, but I want to see the fruits of good works of repentance in action. Words that are cheap may be concealing lies. But how we live our lives speaks louder than any words we can speak.


We know the judgment of God begins with His church, so those who are leading and preaching the Gospel of prosperity and that the world will get better have frankly and honestly not read the word of God, word by word, but have taken and twisted scriptures, especially one like in Mathew 24. Yes, the word tells us when Jesus comes back to rule in the millennial reign things will get better. But we are now in the beginnings the of the birth pains, the beginning of sorrows. Anyone with have a sense of the change in the world, weather, the droughts and earthquakes, terrorism, wars and rumors of wars could see things are changing quickly. Oh, maybe this truth will not fill the offering plates, but truth spoken will please our Father God. How about preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ in simplicity and in purity? If they don't they will have to answer to a Holy God some day. Repent while you still have time to have forgiveness for listening to or preaching your doctrines of devils. Pastors, Apostles, Teachers, Evangelist, Prophets, need to be careful for the judge is at the door. We who teach the word of God will have to answer for more. Judgment begins at the house of the Lord. That warning scares me and makes me want to be alert and sober and a careful watchman on the wall.


If our God is money, then we will promote the gospel of getting more money. But if we love and fear God and know His word is pure truth we will preach more like this:

Matt 24:4-14

"Don't let anyone mislead you , 5 for many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am the Messiah.' They will deceive many. 6 And you will hear of wars and threats of wars, but don't panic. Yes, these things must take place, but the end won't follow immediately . 7 Nation will go to war against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in many parts of the world. 8 But all this is only the first of the birth pains, with more to come. (We are seeing this right now!!!)


9 "Then you will be arrested, persecuted, and killed. You will be hated all over the world because you are my followers. 10 And many will turn away from me and betray and hate each other. 11 And many false prophets will appear and will deceive many people. 12 Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold. 13 But the one who endures to the end will be saved. 14 And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the end will come.


If you want real truth, then you won't try to chop and dice this up and explain it away. You will believe Jesus just as He spoke it – the whole word of God and accept it and embrace it. Remember truth must be balanced by God's love. If you are a truth seeker then it's your time to rise up and live a pure life and be speak the truth in love and be bold! We can no longer afford to loose our young people through bad examples displaying evil. Display righteousness and the good fruit will be seen and then they will glorify our Father in heaven.


Cheryl Lundberg

August 7 th , 2012







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